martes, 24 de noviembre de 2020

My Future Job

If I think about the type of kind of job I would like to have a job where I was creating, doing, drawing. A job where there is an experimental enviroment, being a job in indoors and the other half outdoors. But I don´t have a especific job or a place.  If I  had decide to travel, I love it, because it´s exciting, meet new culture, people, places, and get rich for experiences. Work in a office I don´t like very much because I feel boring and my attention is short , I lose this very quickly. I study Arquitecture, I like the carrera, all the information they give us, because I think that everything helps us to develop as a person and professional. but I don´t  know mention I will take or a what  I will develop.

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2020


 I think that your vote is very important, you have to take seriosly becauseyou express your opinion, your dissatisfaction, or your vote for person you think or belive will do better for the country. I go to vote in the next presidential election although I don´t belive anything to the candidates because is my duty as citizen, and many women´s fight for this right. In my opinion I don´t like very much the electoral campaigns, I think people try to buy your vote or gain your atention promising things they don´t do. Maybe someone people try to do but no all.  The quealities should a person have are a person responsible, honest, worker, and this person have gain to make a change. Don´t be good at person. who wants everithing for him or benefit a the same old, if not benefit all person who need him. I think consider becoming a politician but I don´t like the atmosphere or all tour round or silver. And I don´t see much the electoral campaigns so that I don´t make a constructive criticism but I say something is that the electoral campaigns they should be honestly and the candidates should be trasparent and honestly with people.

miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2020


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My Favorite Children Program


My favorite tv programme when i was a child was the lazy town. I started waching it when i was very little. I watched this program  sometimes in the morning before i went to the school, when i came back always I watched it again, the same episode. The program was about for a girl, her name is Stephanie , she arrive to the town and she make friends. In the city lives a Sportacus, he is a heroe, he teaches them to be agiles, make  sport and eat healthy a all the children .  both of them always searching adventures and "they fight" the villain, this person is a Robbie Rotten, he try that children hate a sportacus  and stephanie because he want the city, was a city lazy, he disguises himself and trie to ridicule them. I enjoyed waching this tv programme because i liked the pink hair the protagonism and I like the dances or coreography. I trying to do. 

The Best Concert ever

I have not been to many concert, I have been only to 3. One of them is Silvio Rodriguez concert, this it was my firts concert and it was at the Monumental stadium in December 2012, I has 13 years old and I went with my uaunt and my cousins. I love this show because it was the first, I never go , the sensations to hear the music so loud, see all the people singing the same song, all at the same time, see de light of cellphone is the espectacular show, went you see it from afar in the gallery, althoug the person who is singing looks small, all the rest looks wonderful. He sang many songs, I knew 6 but i really didn´t care, while the rest of people sang, I was observe them, many people cry when sang, others kissed a his parner, other sang with all his hard and the rest of people film the concert. One of the songs that i love is "ojala " and the other song is " mi unicornio azul" the letter of this songs it make me remember  my cousin because she sing this song for her father who left when she was little girl.

martes, 13 de octubre de 2020


I´m not sure which has been the worst place where have Ibeen, but the hostal in Viña del Mar. This is a city in region Valparaiso, the picunches were first residents in viña del mar, when Pedro de Valdivia with his collaborators arrived they distributed the ground. They killed the aborigines and abused them when forced them to work in the estuary Marga - Marga extracting gold. 

The hostal has a cafeteria in the first floor, the owners give us the attic. When I arrived the last floor, I saw four beds, all together, the ceiling was small, my dad crash with it. The smell the bedroom was closed or old and dusty. When why all get in bed nobody could sleep, I feelt like I couldn´t breathe, the air was heavy, when I could sleep I woke up because my mum was talking alone, she shouted and called her dad, "help me " said, my grandfather is dead long time ago. We all woke  her up, she said there was a man her that he wanted to choke her and he wanted  us to leave. Nobody slept anymore, then at 6 o´clock we left. Is it the worse hostal where I have been.

My Future Job

If I think about the type of kind of job I would like to have a job where I was creating, doing, drawing. A job where there is an experiment...